A Season of Hope

March 20, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

A Season of HopeA Season of HopeA Season of Hope
© 2019 RGallucci Photography

One of the first harbingers that springs renewal has begun in the southern Arizona high desert is the annual bloom of wildflowers. Seemingly overnight, vast carpets of yellow blossoms stretch across the dull desert floor in a display of life's' ability to persist even in the roughest conditions. Perhaps because their flowering is so short-lived, they are treasured by those who call this miraculous desert home.

I've wanted to capture the trail of angels rising above a field of wildflowers since I moved here. Witnessing the grace of creation in the rejuvenation of the land as the foundation to the glory of infinite spaces symbol of hope holds more meaning to me that either image alone. Last night was my chance, and I cannot help thinking that the timing was not coincidental.

As we traverse together through these challenging times, it is good to be reminded of the remarkable beauty and resilience of life. In a time when we are forced apart, it is good to remember that we are all still together, foundations of life to one another in infinite hope.

I remain his scribe

A Season of Hope
©RGallucci Photography
Tracked and Blended
Shoot Date: March 11, 2020
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
iOptron Sky Guider Pro
Irix 15mm| f/4| 239 sec | ISO 1000
Irix 15mm| f/2.8| 239 sec w/ LENR | ISO 1000

Shoot Date: March 20, 2020
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
239.0 sec at f/4.0 Bias:0 EV
ISO: ISO 1000
Lens:15mm @ 15 mm

One of the first harbingers that springs renewal has begun in the southern Arizona high desert is the annual bloom of wildflowers. Seemingly overnight, vast carpets of yellow blossoms stretch across the dull desert floor in a display of life's' ability to persist even in the roughest conditions. Perhaps because their flowering is so short-lived, they are treasured by those who call this miraculous desert home. 

I've wanted to capture the trail of angels rising above a field of wildflowers since I moved here. Witnessing the grace of creation in the rejuvenation of the land as the foundation to the glory of infinite spaces symbol of hope holds more meaning to me that either image alone. Last night was my chance, and I cannot help thinking that the timing was not coincidental. 

As we traverse together through these challenging times, it is good to be reminded of the remarkable beauty and resilience of life. In a time when we are forced apart, it is good to remember that we are all still together, foundations of life to one another in infinite hope.  

I remain his scribe

A Season of Hope
©RGallucci Photography
Tracked and Blended
Shoot Date: March 11, 2020
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
iOptron Sky Guider Pro
Irix 15mm| f/4| 239 sec | ISO 1000
Irix 15mm| f/2.8| 239 sec w/ LENR | ISO 1000



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