A Passage in the Wilderness

October 10, 2020  •  1 Comment

A Passage in the WildernessA Passage in the WildernessA Passage in the Wilderness
©RGallucci Photography
Shoot Date: October 9, 2020
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV | 15mm | f/8.0 | 239.0 sec | ISO 400

Stalwart sentinels from a long-ago era, the hoodoos at Chiricahua National Monument stand in eternal attention. Like stone soldiers, they remain in constant salute, a proud testimonial to their stewardship of the land they embrace. I was to this sacred ground I traveled last evening, to pay homage to the memory of the marine who is my father.


I knew in advance the shot that called to me. Amid those towering statues was a valiant hoodoo with a tabletop cap that stood apart from the others in its countenance. It was a place where the pathway of angles could rest, a respite for the souls on their long journey to heavens grace. With her Siren cry, she beckoned me from our home two hours away, and I was helpless to ignore her treaty. Arriving at the parking area, I was enchanted by the lure of her promise to ease the pain of his passing and bushwacked to a spot where the picture as possible. There, alone, under the stars, in the thrall of her beauty, I allowed myself to feel. While the tears of grief I prayed for did not come, I was granted peace for a few moments. 


All have an appointment with the hereafter. It is the only one that must be kept. For those that remain behind, grieving the loss is a process. It is a process I am ill-equipped for, yet one I have had to endure twice this year. Through my words and pictures, I can share what I cannot show in my daily life. That is a blessing I am grateful for. To all those who also grieve today, I wish you peace in your journey to acceptance. Perhaps we will arrive together. 


I remain his scribe. 


Our 2021 Milky Way and Strom Chasing Workshops are now accepting reservations. Find out more here: 

Milky Way Workshops: 2021 Milky Way and Night Sky Workshops

Storm Chasing Workshops: 2021 Storm Chasing workshops


A Passage in the Wilderness
©RGallucci Photography
FB: RGallucciPhotography (If you like the photo, please like my page)
IG: RGallucci
Sharing permitted, please give credit. Use as a screen saver or background permitted if you let me know. Downloading to print expressly prohibited! Prints available by request
Shoot Date: October 9, 2020
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV | 15mm | f/8.0 | 239.0 sec | ISO 400
Sky - Tracked with iOptron Skyguider Pro
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV | 15mm | f/4.0 | 60.0 sec | ISO 1600


Alisa Lira(non-registered)
Wow, what a picture. I really love it.
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