December Conjunction

December 05, 2019  •  10 Comments

December ConjunctionDecember ConjunctionDecember Conjunction
© 2019 RGallucci Photography

Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn shone brightly in the early night sky. Like three wise men returning an ancient favor, they guided my eyes over the lone chapel in the deepest part of the southern Arizona high desert. Beacons of hope and prophecy in a confusing time, they set my mind to more peaceful and serene thoughts.

For those of this faith, during this holiest of remembrances, perhaps we, each one, can be a trinity of goodwill, hope, and charity. And my we, as bearers of His noble sacrifice, ever remember His message to love Him and to love one another, unconditinaly. If only we could do that, we would find the peace and serenity we all ultimately crave.

I hear his voice sing in the songbirds and see the light of his essence in the stars. For that, I am truly blessed.

I remain His scribe.

December Conjunction
@RGallucci Photography

Shoot Date: December 5, 2019
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
1.4 sec at f/8.0 Bias:0 EV
ISO: ISO 100
Lens:EF50mm f/1.4 USM @ 50 mm

Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn shone brightly in the early night sky. Like three wise men returning an ancient favor, they guided my eyes over the lone chapel in the deepest part of the southern Arizona high desert.  Beacons of hope and prophecy in a confusing time, they set my mind to more peaceful and serene thoughts. 

For those of this faith, during this holiest of remembrances, perhaps we, each one, can be a trinity of goodwill, hope, and charity. And my we, as bearers of His noble sacrifice, ever remember His message to love Him and to love one another, unconditionally. If only we could do that, we would find the peace and serenity we all ultimately crave. 

I hear his voice sing in the songbirds and see the light of his essence in the stars. For that, I am truly blessed. 

I remain His scribe. 

December Conjunction
@RGallucci Photography



Annette Dellimagine(non-registered)
I love all your beautiful thought provoking pictures and especially greedily read your passages with each photo ... I miss my desert home and your work often makes my heart swell with pride that I was able to be raised in such a beautiful place .
Nicole steele(non-registered)
You always capture the desert amazingly♥️
Ann Whitess(non-registered)
Hi Robert. I look forward to seeing your lovely photographs daily. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with all of us. I'm near Sierra Vista/Hereford area.
Beautiful, love this season you photo and words. Amen
Love your posts!
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