Shot date: August 7, 2021 Canon EOS 5D Mark IV ¹⁄₁₃ sec at f/16 Bias:‒ 2 EV Lens: EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM IISO 100
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Traveling Back in LowellAt the end of time eternal, the path of angels leads to memories of an era now gone and a life more simple. In the small hamlet of Lowell, AZ there is a street that struggles against the modern age. In Lowell, vintage is the present, and the current does not exist.
Like so much of the Southern Arizona High Desert, it is unexpected in the most incredible way. On this night, like a magnet is drawn to its pole, the Milky Way found an earthbound brother, pointing any who would wander its path to this magical place.
The vision of His magnificent creation unfolds for me daily. Be it created through His children or His hand; it is all grand and awe-inspiring. I am blessed to share its witness. I humbly remain His scribe. Shoot Date: March 6, 2019 Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Manual 8.0 sec at f/5.6 0 EV Lens: 15mm @ 15 mm ISO: 100